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Writer's pictureshelbyshelb

Nature-Deficit​ Disorder

Written in 2019 for Shalom & Polepole, Edited 2024

“Passion is lifted from the earth itself by the muddy hands of the young; it travels along grass-stained sleeves to the heart. If we are going to save environmentalism and the environment, we must also save an endangered indicator species: the child in nature.”

-Richard Louv, Last Child in the Woods: Saving Our Children from Nature-Deficit Disorder

An indoor lifestyle can create issues for children.

According to the children & nature network“An expanding body of scientific evidence suggests that nature-deficit disorder contributes to a diminished use of the senses, attention difficulties, conditions of obesity, and higher rates of emotional and physical illnesses. Research also suggests that the nature-deficit weakens ecological literacy and stewardship of the natural world. These problems are linked more broadly to what health care experts call the “epidemic of inactivity,” and to a devaluing of independent play.”

Nature-Deficit Disorder is not a medical term at all. It merely sees our connection to nature and the outdoors as more significant than a feel-good thing. Y'all we need to care about and FOR our environment and instill the same passion into our children.

In There’s No Such Thing As Bad Weather, Lisa Akenson McGurk writes, “Outside children are constantly moving, they are active. Active children learn better and more," writes Ylva Ellneby, a veteran preschool teacher and author in Sweden, in one of her popular books about early childhood. "Children need to use their imagination and nature gives them the freedom and inspiration that is required to make it happen... the woods and fields offer many adventures and magical experiences."

Children must get outside, independently play, and explore nature. Studies show that children who have independent play in the outdoors are:

  • calmer

  • more able to focus

  • get more exercise and burn more calories (than even their peers in regulated exercise hours)

  • learn more effectively

  • tend to be more creative

  • care more about how their actions affect the environment


Recess and The Outdoors

Richard Louv argues in Last Child in the Woods: Saving Our Children from Nature-Deficit Disorder (2005) that “Well-meaning public school systems, media, and parents are effectively scaring children straight out of the woods and fields.” Louv cites a growing body of research that links “mental, physical, and spiritual health” and associates the lack of outdoor time with maladies like attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, obesity, heart disease, and high blood pressure. While Louv offers a convincing argument for the need for children to spend more time outdoors, the child he writes about (and remembers somewhat nostalgically) is in most cases white and usually middle class.”

Dr. Martin is more than right. Unfortunately, all over our nation - recess is declining due to shared school spaces, lack of public school funds, and (majority) an increase in instructional time. Many of the schools are public schools, which can be especially devastating if the students are children of color or low-income. There are elements of fear that many brown, black, Jewish, Muslim, and low-income families have about sending their children outside after school.

“The fear that many communities of color feel in America is real and understandable. They are afraid of deportation, regardless of legality, as ICE agents begin to detain legal residents who appear to be Latino. Many African-Americans are afraid of fatal police violence, as shocking videos continue to go viral. A rise of anti-Semitic and racist speech and graffiti create anxiety."

What makes it worse is that these trends of nature deficit are found early. Unfortunately, due to a lack of funds, many low-income families send their children to family members for care. Now, although many folks don’t love daycare centers - there are regulations on outside time for children. The same is not true for family home care. Although family care provides "all the love," unfortunately, it is found that children in the care of family don’t go outside enough. In fact, your child is more likely to go out with a family friend, local home care, or a daycare facility.

So many of the students who are denied recess are also more likely to be indoors after school. Without a touch of nature, we see Nature-Deficit Disorder symptoms - obesity, attention issues, depression, a lack of vitamin D, creativity blocks, anxiety, and a lack of connection between themselves and the environment.


Next Steps.

As guardians, we can ensure that our children have adequate time outdoors in whatever way we can. Find programs that offer outdoor play. Attend outdoor nature-based schools. Ask your family members to take your child outdoors. Forward this article (shameless plug, lol). Ask your daycare teacher or child each day - did you go out? Do what you must to get yourself and your child(ren) outside.

But on a broader scale, if we have space and time, we can become recess advocates. If you know that your local public school isn’t providing recess, advocate for it. Go to the PTA and voice your concerns, talk to a sympathetic teacher, and discuss the importance of outdoor play with the administration.

Donate coats, rain boots, and warm clothing to your local daycare if you don't have the time but have the monetary resources. Like all donated materials - make sure it's in excellent condition. Sorting out "bad" clothing is a human resource that many centers don't have. Often, daycare facilities or schools cannot take children out due to a lack of proper clothing. I loved having extra scarves, gloves, and cozy sweaters for my students. All you have to do is call your local daycare/school and ask what they need for outdoor play. Sometimes, it's extra uniform pieces for items that get ripped/dirty while children play.

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